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Recent Progress in the Study of Small-Molecule Antiparasitic Drugs and their Derivatives


Louisa Degenhardt*

The relentless impact of parasitic infections on global health and socio-economic development has spurred intensive research into the development of effective antiparasitic agents. Small-molecule drugs and their derivatives have emerged as promising candidates in this endeavor, exhibiting diverse mechanisms of action and potential for enhanced therapeutic outcomes. This abstract provides an overview of the recent advancements in the study of small-molecule antiparasitic drugs and their derivatives, highlighting key developments, challenges, and future prospects. In the past decade, significant strides have been made in elucidating the molecular mechanisms of action of existing antiparasitic drugs and identifying novel drug targets. This has paved the way for the rational design and optimization of small-molecule derivatives with improved pharmacokinetic properties, enhanced efficacy, and reduced toxicity profiles. Notable progress has been achieved in the fields of malaria, trypanosomiasis, leishmaniasis, and helminthic infections, with several compounds advancing to preclinical and clinical stages. The emergence of multidrugresistant parasites poses a pressing challenge in the efficacy of antiparasitic treatments. Recent research has focused on tackling resistance through innovative drug combinations, novel drug delivery systems, and the repurposing of existing compounds. Furthermore, the exploration of host-pathogen interactions and the parasite's molecular adaptation mechanisms have shed light on new vulnerabilities that can be targeted by small-molecule drugs.


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