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Alan Dalton

Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, USA


  • Perspective   
    The Power of Enzymes: Catalysts for Sustainable Biotechnology
    Author(s): Alan Dalton*

    Enzymes, nature's catalysts, have long been recognized for their remarkable ability to drive biochemical reactions with precision and efficiency. In recent years, their potential in sustainable biotechnology has garnered increasing attention, offering solutions to pressing environmental and societal challenges. This article explores the power of enzymes as catalysts for sustainable biotechnology, examining their role in various industries and their transformative impact on global sustainability efforts. Through a comprehensive review of current research and applications, we highlight the diverse applications of enzymes, their advantages over traditional chemical methods and the future directions of enzyme-based biotechnology... Read More»
    DOI: 10.37421/2277-1506.2024.13.442

    Abstract HTML PDF