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Ren Shan

Department of Genetic Research, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA


  • Mini-Review   
    Breaking Ground: Innovations in Drug Research
    Author(s): Ren Shan*

    The landscape of drug research is experiencing a profound transformation, fueled by advancements in technology, methodologies and our understanding of biological mechanisms. This article explores recent innovations in drug research and their potential impact on healthcare and patient outcomes. Advanced drug delivery systems, including nanotechnology-based platforms and implantable devices, offer precise control over drug targeting and release, minimizing side effects and optimizing treatment regimens. Precision medicine and pharmacogenomics enable personalized therapies tailored to individual genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors, maximizing efficacy while minimizing adverse reactions. Integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques streamlines drug discovery and development processes, accelerating the translation of promising candidates into clinical the.. Read More»
    DOI: 10.37421/2277-1506.2024.13.445

    Abstract HTML PDF