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Shuai Li

School of Pharmacy, China Medical University, Shenyang 110122, Liaoning, China


  • Research Article   

    Author(s): Mohamed Olounfeh Kamara, MingYang Wang, Xin-yang Li, Guo-qing Lu, Shuai Li, Jing-wei Liang and Fang-Hao Meng*

    Cancer new drug development and testing mostly rely on existing drug which plays a great role as templates, and the biomarkers. Thymidylate Synthase Inhibitors (TSI) tabulated below are available for the diseases conditions like cancer which encircle the thymidylate synthase (TS). Sparse data are available for TS involvement in cancer. TS is prudent in the synthesis of thymidylate which is useful for body functionalities, and its production pathways are observed to contain supportive proteins. The loss of thymine in cancerous cells couple in abnormal DNA synthesis influenced cell apoptosis. An increased TS protein expression seen in many cancers, serving as aggressive phenotype. Cancers is TS disease, still without a cure, taking away the lives of at least 8 million people every year irrespective of nationality, remained a burden that let world health organization to reques.. Read More»

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